Great development of refrigeration and freezer equipment. A revolution in the treatment of raw materials.

Great development of refrigeration and freezer equipment. A revolution in the treatment of raw materials.

There has been a great development in refrigeration equipment in recent years, and KAPP is at the forefront in many areas.

By using the latest cooling equipment, the treatment of raw materials has undergone major changes, which can be compared to a revolution.


A revolution at sea

Changed work methods on board ships have completely revolutionized the quality, so that raw materials arriving ashore are now below zero degrees, although not so that the fish has started to freeze.

The OptimICE® liquid ice machines from KAPP have a big part in this revolution and ensure that the hearth quickly cools below freezing and stays at approx. -0.5°C throughout the fishing trip.


OptimICE® liquid ice machine is available for all boats and ships and now there is a new version with CO2.

The cooling with OptimICE® takes about 1 hour while the flake ice cools the catch in about 15 hours and still never manages to go below 0°C. Bacteria formation is almost non-existent with OptimICE® while it is on its way with the flake ice, which means that the shelf life is extended by up to 7 days by OptimICE®.


A major change in fish processing on land

Refrigeration and freezing equipment for fish processing is extensive, varied and often quite complex. All the equipment must work as intended and communicate with each other, otherwise there is a risk that the process will stop.

Automation has increased and with it operational safety, in addition to the fact that the new systems are much more environmentally friendly than the old ones.

Considerable time is spent on regular monitoring and preventive maintenance to prevent process stoppages, taking action before the equipment stops for any reason.

With increased technology, the systems can be monitored via the phone anywhere and anytime, which is a big difference from the past.


OptimICE® pre cooler is for both ships and land processing.

KAPP offers OptimICE® pre cooler to cool raw materials during the entire processing process and keep the temperature around 0°C throughout the process.


KAPP cooling equipment

KAPP also has a wide range of communication equipment that offers various possibilities in terms of remote connection as well as connecting different communication standards and letting controllers from different manufacturers communicate with each other.

In order for all of this to work together, the equipment needs to be programmed, and then KAPP's technical department comes in strongly with high-tech engineers who program, e.g. with SCADA and i.e. systems.


KAPP Ozone solutions for the entire food industry.

In all food processing, intensive cleaning of equipment, pipes and water is important. With ozone solutions from KAPP, there is a solution that is simple to use and works in almost all conditions, as well as the shelf life can be greatly increased.

Ozone is one of the strongest natural oxidants for bactericidal and disinfection in the world and can kill up to 99.9% of all bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms found in food. Ozone does not leave any dangerous additives after it has played its role and is therefore particularly suitable for the food industry.


KAPP solutions for all cooling

KAPP has solutions for all cooling and freezing for companies of all sizes and types. Environmental issues are a priority in all our actions, where we try to find the most environmentally friendly solution. All KAPP refrigeration employees have environmental certification from the Environment Agency of Iceland.


Here you can see some of the employees of KAPP's cooling department at a course on environmentally friendly cooling solutions. All employees of the refrigeration department are certified by the Environment Agency of Iceland.


This news shows some solutions that KAPP offers in cooling and freezing, as well as what is referred to in an interview on Samherji's website, where they talk to Jakob Björnsson, engineer in the processing house of Útgerðarfélag Akureyringa and Gestur Geirsson, manager of Samherji's land processing.

Below you can see some pictures of KAPP's recent projects:


Refrigeration and freezer systems can be extensive and complex and need to be perfectly connected.


KAPP employees install environmentally friendly secondary cooling.


A liquid ice container with an OptimICE® liquid ice machine installed to cool the catch when landing pelagic fish.

KAPP_kæling_frysting_þjónustaHere, KAPP employees are working on expanding the freezing capacity of a freezer vessel.


Measurement of the temperature of raw material in cod upon arrival at a fish processing company at Hellissandur in west of Iceland, after a week-long fishing trip, where the fish was landed at Siglufjörður, town north of Iceland, and the catch was driven to Hellisandur. The temperature has remained at -0.7°C throughout the whole fishing trip and the trip to Hellissandur.



Worked on the installation of a new cooling system at Loðnuvinnslan.


Freezer installed.


An employee works on the connection of electrical cables of a refrigeration system.

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