KAPP Partners with Atlas Premium Seafoods to Implement Trusted OptimICE® Technology

KAPP Partners with Atlas Premium Seafoods to Implement Trusted OptimICE® Technology

KAPP is pleased to announce our recent collaboration with Atlas Premium Seafoods to install the OptimICE® liquid ice system in their fish processing plant in Riga, Latvia. Known for its reliability and effectiveness, OptimICE® continues to be a preferred choice in the cooling industry, particularly for maintaining the quality and freshness of seafood.

OptimICE®: A Reliable Cooling Solution

OptimICE® is a proven liquid slurry ice technology that has been widely used in the seafood industry. By producing liquid slurry ice on board fishing vessels or onshore using seawater or saltwater, OptimICE® efficiently cools fish to just below 0°C, maintaining a steady temperature around -0.5°C. This system helps ensure that the fish remains fresh throughout the entire supply chain, from the moment it is caught until it reaches the consumer.

Consistent Freshness

One of the key advantages of the OptimICE® system is its ability to maintain an unbroken cool chain. The fish is kept at a consistent temperature, preventing freezing and preserving its freshness. This results in high-quality seafood that meets the expectations of both processors and consumers.

A Continued Focus on Quality

The installation of OptimICE® at Atlas Premium Seafood’s Riga plant is part of a broader commitment to maintaining high standards in seafood processing. By integrating this trusted technology, Atlas Premium Seafood is ensuring that their products remain fresh and of high quality throughout the processing and distribution stages.

Learn More About OptimICE®

OptimICE® has been a reliable choice in the seafood cooling industry for many years. If you're interested in how OptimICE® can benefit your operations, or to learn more about our work with Atlas Premium Seafood, please feel free to contact us.

Atlas Premium Seafoods

About OptimICE® 

All OptimICE® Products

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